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The Great Digimon Season 1

Digimon was my very first anime that I ever watched.  Izzy is a young kid that has a laptop, he takes it everywhere, even summer camp.  It was a good thing that he did too.  His laptop was the first giveaway that it looked like a mac, it looked exactly like the tangerine ibook.  It even had the apple logo on the back, which was actually a pineapple, but close enough.

Izzys Laptop

Izzy OS

 laptop Disconnect      mac os 9 netscape

The top and left image are the OS (operating system) that runs on Izzy's laptop.  On both of the images the menu bar is at the top, the pineapple logo is on the left, the app list is on the right, and so on.  All of that is exactly what every Apple OS looks like (the app list becomes the dock in OS X.  All of the icons, icon locations, and everything else looks exactly like MAC OS.  The image on the right is a snapshot of Netscape on my Powerbook, as you can see they are the same.